Archive | 27 мая, 2022



  1. Բայերը դրեք համապատասխան ժամանակաձևով՝ ներկա անորոշ /Present Tense/, ներկա շարունակական /Present Continuous/ , անցյալ ՝/Past Tense/ ապառնի՝ /Future Tense/

 didn’t drink /not drink/ water last night.

He drives /drive/ to work every day.

She didn’t drink  /not, drink/ tea now.

We ate  apple ./eat apples/ late yesterday.

They  reading ./read/ at the moment.

They used./use/ this computer last night.

He watches ./watch/ TV a lot every day.

We are watching /watch/ TV now.

She catches /catch/ a cold every winter.

She will stay ./stay/ here tomorrow.

He dances /dance/ very well.

They  playing ./play/ cards this evening.

  1. Գրեք ածականի համեմատության աստիճանը, ընտրեք ճիշտ տարբերակը:

He is richer,than his brother. /rich, richer, the richest/

She is too be taught. /intelligent, more intelligent, the most intelligent/

I am cleverer .than my sister./ clever, cleverer, the cleverest/

He is much better,   now. /good, better, the best/

Jane was the «the best`  player of the two./ good, better, the best/

Your car is faster, .than my car. /fast, faster, the fastest/
